Liberty Christian Academy

Help Support LCA's mission Team

In the summer of 2024, LCA embarked on its first-ever international mission trip, offering our students the unique opportunity to not only witness God's work in another nation but to actively participate as the hands and feet of Jesus. Building on this incredible experience, we’re excited to announce that in May 2025, another team will be heading to South Africa to serve and support the ministry there. In May 2025, we are excited to send a team to South Africa to serve and support the ministry there. To help make this mission possible, we are hosting our 2nd Annual Missions Golf Tournament. We invite everyone to join us in this effort. Click the forms below to learn more about how you can participate and support our team.

LCA Spiritual Life 

At LCA, our primary mission is to empower, inspire, and support our esteemed students, dedicated staff, and supportive families. We wholeheartedly encourage each member of our community to radiate their inner light before others in a manner that exemplifies and brings glory to the teachings of Christ (Matthew 5:16).

Through comprehensive biblical instruction, uplifting chapel services, and meaningful mission and service opportunities, we provide our students with the tools they need to embark on their personal journey of following Jesus. We firmly believe in the power of individual pursuit and the ability to walk alongside Jesus in a deeply personal way.

Moreover, as we fervently seek divine guidance, our ultimate aspiration is to foster unity among the LCA family, united by the transformative power of the gospel. We are dedicated to equipping our students to confidently embrace their unique calling, preparing them to fulfill the purpose that God has graciously bestowed upon their lives. It is both a tremendous honor and a cherished privilege for us to actively engage in the vital task of cultivating disciples of faith, fulfilling the visionary mission that the Lord has entrusted to LCA.